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Get 17% off with coupon code 17OFF during our March Madness Sale!

Rustic Recycled Vases



ACTÍVA Products

Materials Needed:

  • Activa Gray CelluClay
  • Glass Bottles
  • Water
  • Zip Top Bag
  • Water Bowl
  • Sandpaper
  • Rope or Ribbon Accents
  • Dried Flowers
  • *Optional: Paint and Paint Brush

Step 1

Prepare the CelluClay

Mix the CelluClay’ according to package directions.
Add 32oz. of warm water to 1 lb. of CelluClay, mixing in a zip top bag.

Knead with fingers until CelluClay reaches the consistency of clay or stiff dough with no dry spots.

Add more dry CelluClay if mixture is too wet or soft, and more water if CelluClay if too dry or stiff.
Remove CelluClay from bag when done mixing.

Step 2


Gather a glass bottle from wine, juice, milk or other drink containers.
Clean and remove any labels from the bottle.


Step 3


Cover the armature with a thick layer of CelluClay.

Smooth out any bumps in the clay with wet fingertips. Add more CelluClay if needed until the entire bottle is covered.

Step 4


Allow the bottle to air dry. Humidity levels will impact drying time.

The CelluClay will feel room temperature when dry and have a light gray color appearance.

Step 5


Use a sheet of sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas or bumps on the surface of the bottle.

Step 6

Finished Surface

The bottle can be left in it’s nature state or the CelluClay can be painted with paint.

Step 7


Ribbon, rope or yarn maybe added to the vase for decoration.

Step 8


Add the dried flowers to the vase and display the arrangement.
*NOTE: Since the vase’s armature is made out of glass, water and fresh flowers maybe used as well.
