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Red Rocket


Craft Tutorials, Celluclay

ACTÍVA Products

Materials Needed:

  • Activa CelluClay
  • Water
  • Zip top bag
  • Cardboard
  • Activ-Wire Mesh
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Sandpaper
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • Varnish

Step 1

Prepare the CelluClay

Mix the CelluClay according to package directions.

Add 32oz. of warm water to 1 lb. of CelluClay mixing in a zip top bag.

Knead with fingers until the CelluClay reaches the consistency of clay or stiff dough with no dry spots.

Add more dry CelluClay if mixture is too wet or soft, and more water if CelluClay if too dry or stiff.

Remove the Celluclay from bag when done mixing.

Step 2


Use a recycled plastic bottle for the body structure of the rocket ship.

Cut rocket fin shapes out of cardboard or wire mesh and attach them to the bottle with a hot glue gun.

Cut an exhaust flame shape out of the wire mesh or cardboard and attach it to the bottom of the bottle with a hot glue gun.

Balance the armature on a table top and adjust if needed to allow the armature to stand alone.

Step 3


Cover the armature with a coat of the CelluClay.

Smooth out any bumps in the CelluClay with wet fingertips.

Apply several coats of CelluClay as needed. Allowing the individual coats to dry in between layers.

Step 4

Nose Cone

Add additional CelluClay around the cap of the bottle to form a slightly pointed tip.

Step 5


Allow the sculpture to air dry. Humidity levels will impact drying time.

The CelluClay will lighten in color and become harder as it is drying.

The CelluClay will feel room temperature when dry and have a bright white color appearance.

Step 6


Use sandpaper to smooth out any rough areas or bumps on the sculpture’s surface.


Step 7


Use acrylic paint to color the sculpture.
*Acrylic paint markers work excellent for detail lines.
