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Imagine Dragons Sculpture by Breanne Rothwell


Lesson Plans, Sculpture, Rigid Wrap

ACTÍVA Products

As part of the ACTÍVA Products 2018 Art Teacher Mystery Box Contest, art teacher Breanne Rothwell created this Imagine Dragons sculpture.

Create a paper mache dragon sculpture with this lesson plan from Breanne Rothwell.

About the Art Teacher

"I've been teaching elementary art for 16 years. It is the best! I am amazed each day by the children I teach, they are my inspiration. Each year I choose a theme for the year. It keeps things interesting for both the students and myself . . . . and I enjoy the research involved in making my lessons relevant and exciting. I am so lucky to have a "job" that I love."

To follow along with Ms. Rothwell's art room adventures, make sure to follow her on Instagram.

The Big Idea

Dragons are amazing, serpent-like mythical creatures possessing magical powers, and are represented in the folktales of many cultures worldwide. As legend would have it, some dragons are beasts that breathe fire and need to be tamed, yet others are busy fighting evil, doing good for others and have above average intelligence.

This lesson is designed to encourage students to imagine a magical dragon sharing a special message with the world, what would it be? This "Imagine Dragon" is a busy sending good vibes out into the world, with the message "be kind."

Supplies Needed

  • PermaStone from ACTÍVA Products
  • Rigid Wrap from ACTÍVA Products
  • Scenic Sand from ACTÍVA Products
  • Newspaper
  • Masking tape
  • 14 gauge wire
  • Elmer's glue
  • Paint

How to Make a Dragon Sculpture

1. Gather your materials and cut 3 pieces of wire. One piece about 2 feet long, the other pieces about a foot long each. Tape them together as shown. The longer wire will be used to form the head, body and tail. The other wires will be used for the arms and the legs.

To sculpt a paper mache dragon, use wires taped together for the first step.

2. Begin using newspaper and masking tape to form the body. Draw wings on a piece of cardboard and attach to the arms if desired. Form the shape of the dragon as you work.

The second step of creating a dragon with Rigid Wrap plaster cloth is to form the body.

3. Once you are pleased with the shape of your dragon, you are ready to work. Prepare ACTÍVA Rigid Wrap by cutting into smaller strips. Dip pieces into water and smooth as you go. Easy peasy! Use smaller pieces to add details. Let dry.

The third step of creating a dragon with Rigid Wrap plaster cloth is to cut Rigid Wrap into smaller pieces.
Wet the Rigid Wrap and place it on the dragon's body.

Shape the dragon's head with Rigid Wrap.

4. You are ready for paint.

5. To add texture and make that super cool scale effect, you'll need a 1/2 full bottle of Elmer's glue and ACTÍVA Scenic Sand colored sand, plus a small disposable container for mixing.

These are the supplies you need to make sand paint.

6. Empty the glue bottle into your mixing bowl, and add ACTÍVA Scenic Sand colored sand and mix until you have glue that is the consistency of thick pancake batter. Add the mixture back into the glue bottle and slightly snip the tip of the bottle as shown.

Mix colored sand into glue to create glue paint.
Cut the tip of the glue bottle.

7. Take your time adding scales, allowing time for the glue to dry as you work your way around the dragon. A blow dryer can help speed this process up. :)

Paint sand scales on the dragon.

8. Touch up any paint and add details to your dragon.

Add details to the Rigid Wrap dragon with paint.

9. To make letters and spell out a positive message, you will need ACTÍVA PermaStone, disposable mixing containers and silicone letter molds. Follow the directions on the package to prepare PermaStone and allow letters to set and dry thoroughly. Paint as desired.

Create letters with PermaStone and a silicone mold. Finished PermaStone letters. PermaStone casted letters spell "Be Kind"

Click here to get this free dragon sculpture lesson plan.  It is a great sculpture lesson for older elementary students and middle school students, and uses Rigid Wrap plaster cloth for a quick alternative to paper mache.  #lessonplan #artlessonplan #sculpture #papermache
