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How to Make Heart-Shaped Kindness Rocks with ArtPlaster


Craft Tutorials, Art Plaster, Casting

ACTÍVA Products

Have you heard about the kindest craft trend ever? Kindness rocks are a pay-it-forward craft where people paint or write positive messages on rocks and leave them in public places for others to find. The goal is to spark joy in others' daily lives.

Kindness is something we can all get behind, so we decided to make our own version of kindness rocks: Heart-Shaped Kindness Rocks! The heart shape makes these kindness rocks even sweeter, and a perfect craft for Valentine's Day!

Heart-shaped kindness rocks are a fun spin on the kindness rock movement!  Learn how to make heart-shaped "rocks" in this tutorial!  Such a great Valentine's Day craft or everyday craft for kids!  #kindnessrocks  #kidscraft #Valentine

Supplies Needed to Create Heart-Shaped Kindness Rocks

  • ACTÍVA Products' ArtPlaster (note: a 5 lb. box would create at least 32 of these hearts)
  • Heart-shaped silicone mold (we used a silicone baking mold with 2.5" hearts)
  • Disposable container for mixing
  • Water
  • Measuring cup
  • Disposable fork or whisk
  • Paint pens or multi-surface acrylic paints (and paint brush)

How to Create Heart-Shaped Kindness Rocks

Before beginning work, make sure to read the instructions and warnings contained on the ArtPlaster packaging. While ArtPlaster is non-toxic, prolonged exposure to the skin can cause irritation. Thus, care should be taken to limit skin exposure. Also, never pour ArtPlaster down the drain as it will clog pipes.

Begin by mixing ArtPlaster according to the product instructions. We used warm water to mix so that the hearts would set, or harden, faster.

Mix ArtPlaster according to product instructions in order to create heart-shaped kindness rocks.

When the mixture is ready, pour the ArtPlaster into the silicone mold. Gently tap or shake the silicone mold to remove any air bubbles that may have formed inside.

Pour ArtPlaster into a silicone mold to create heart-shaped kindness rocks.

Allow the mold to sit untouched until the ArtPlaster has hardened. This took about 35 minutes for this project. Once the ArtPlaster hearts have hardened, pop them out of the mold. You won't believe how easy this part is! They come right out.

Remove ArtPlaster hearts from the silicone mold to begin working on your kindness rocks.

If you're sure the ArtPlaster hearts are completely dry, you can begin decorating them or painting them with positive messages and designs. We used oil-based paint pens to decorate our heart-shaped kindness rocks, but multi-surface acrylic paint would work well, too!

Decorate heart-shaped kindness rocks with oil-paint markers.

Once you've finished decorating your heart-shaped kindness rocks, leave them in places where others will find them or give them out as a special gift. You'll brighten another person's day, in addition to your own as you have fun making them.

Create heart-shaped kindness rocks with this fun tutorial!  It's so easy to make heart shaped rocks.  They're perfect for Valentine's Day or any day!  #kindnessrocks  #Valentine #kidscrafts

With ArtPlaster, it's so easy to get perfectly shaped hearts to create your kindness rocks.

Create heart-shaped kindness rocks with this fun tutorial!  It's so easy to make heart shaped rocks.  They're perfect for Valentine's Day or any day!  #kindnessrocks  #Valentine #kidscrafts
