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Get 17% off with coupon code 17OFF during our March Madness Sale!

Posh Paper Mache Clay Pumpkins


Craft Tutorials, Sculpture, Celluclay

ACTÍVA Products

Celluclay pumpkins



Styrofoam balls

4 inch sticks

Gold Krylon spray paint

Black acrylic Folk Art paint

Mod Podge

Gold glitter


Flatten one end of the ball against the table so it can’t roll.

Put a stick into the top for the stem of the pumpkin.

Mix the CelluClay according to package instructions. Spread onto the ball. Dip your fingers in water and smooth out lumps in the clay. You can also make ridges to add texture to the pumpkin.

Set aside to dry.

gold paper mache pumpkin craft

Paint the pumpkins gold and the stems black.

Add a little Mod Podge to the top of the pumpkin and dust with gold glitter.

celluclay paper mache clay


Folk Art black paint and Mod Podge from

Foam balls from FloraCraft

Spray paint by Krylon

Designed by Candie Cooper

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