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Use Hearty Clay or CelluClay to make The Royal Couple ~ designed by Debra Quartermain

These beautiful Air Dry Clay Owls can be made using either Hearty Clay or CelluClay.


Hearty Clay 50 gm package or 4 oz of CelluClay (makes one owl)
Clay roller kit
Clay scissors
Acrylic paint - 2 metallic colors, gold and silver
2-15/16” x 3-1/16” foam egg
2” Heart cookie cutter
2 Small brushes
Paper plate
Wood skewer
Embellishments,1” gold or silver buttons for eyes, brads, chains, pearls, etc.

Directions for Hearty Clay
1. Roll clay into a rectangle 1/8” thick.

2. Lay heart cookie cutter onto clay along one side. Cut three.
3. Smooth edges of hearts with damp finger. Cut two in half for wings.
4. Cut small 1/2 “ triangle from side of clay for beak. Straighten side.
5. Flatten top and bottom of egg by pressing firmly on hard surface.
6. Wrap clay piece around egg smoothing evenly as you go. Push extra for head tufts evenly to both sides of egg top. Remove any excess.
7. Roll two heart halves for wing backs slightly thinner.
8. Use skewer inserted in egg bottom while painting. Paint body and wing backs silver. Let dry. This will be very quick as acrylic paint is a fast drying paint.
9. Paint heart for feet and wing fronts gold.
10. Place wing front on wing back, embellish with small brads or beads.
11. Insert button eyes on face front.
12. Add small beak triangle between eyes. Paint gold.
13. With a wet finger adhere wings to sides of body and heart foot piece to bottom of owl.
14. Embellish as desired pushing pieces into clay and egg. Touch up with paint if needed.

Directions for CelluClay
1. Prepare 4oz in a plastic bag. Roll clay into a rectangle 1/8” thick.

2. Lay heart cookie cutter onto clay along one side. Cut three.
3. Smooth edges of hearts with damp finger. Cut two in half for wings.
4. Cut small 1/2 “ triangle from side of clay for beak. Straighten side.
5. Flatten top and bottom of egg by pressing firmly on hard surface.
6. Wrap clay piece around egg smoothing evenly as you go. Push extra for head tufts evenly to both sides of egg top. Remove any excess. (Save excess in sealed bag to use to adhere pieces to each other if needed)
7. Roll two heart halves for wing backs slightly thinner. Set aside all pieces to dry.
8. Use skewer inserted in egg bottom while painting. Paint body and wing backs silver. Let dry. This will be very quick as acrylic paint is a fast drying paint.
9. Paint heart for feet and wing fronts gold.
10. Place wing front on wing back, embellish with small brads or beads.
11. Insert button eyes on face front.
12. Wet with warm water and add small beak triangle piece between eyes. Paint gold.
13. With a wet finger adhere wings to sides of body and heart foot piece to bottom of owl.
14. Embellish as desired pushing pieces into clay and egg. Touch up with paint if needed.
